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True Vine Brewing Company

True Vine Brewing Company

I am a bit of a beer snob.  I am not sure where it all started, but in my youth, I was never a big beer drinker.  I just didn't enjoy any of the beers I tried.  Coors?  Ugh.  Bud lite?  Blarg.  Miller lite?  Ok, maybe if it's cold.  I occasionally enjoyed a Guiness, however, they were just a little pricey for my meager budget at the time.  Later in life, I was introduced to really good beers, starting with Shiner Bock, Sam Adams, then real German lagers, English beers, and eventually microbrews.

My new found love of beers probably started at BJ's brewhouse with Jeremiah Red.  It just has the right balance of malt and hops, and just makes my mouth happy.  I eventually found, St. Arnold's, a great microbrewery in Houston (I will devote a full post to them later).

Where my love of beers blossomed was going to beer-cheese pairings and beer pairing dinners.  I don't particularly care for wine, so to have a beverage be enhanced by and simultaneously enhance the food you are eating was a transcendent experience.

So imagine my excitement when I heard that Tyler was developing its own microbrewery.  I haven't tasted any of their brews and have just recently 'liked' them on Facebook.  I know they had a beer pairing dinner recently, but I got the information too late.  From their website, it looks like they have a Pale Ale and an IPA, neither of which are my favorite styles of beer (I am not a 'hop' head - too bitter for me).  I encourage everyone to check their website out and like them on facebook, so we can do our part to help develop the Tyler food scene.  I sincerely hope nothing but the best for them and hope that they do tours of their operation soon.

Best of luck guys to these guys, I look forward to trying Tyler brew!

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