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State of Tyler Barbeque - Best in Tyler?

This post is going to be a little bit different. I have reviewed several Tyler area BBQ joints and wanted to write a post that talks about all of them, and of course ranks them. My preference for BBQ is simple. It should have a lot of smoke, be falling off the bone tender and have an accompanying spicy/slightly sweet sauce (on the side of course). Of course, good BBQ doesn't need a sauce, but how often to you run into BBQ so good it doesn't need sauce? In terms of cut of meat, I prefer in descending order: beef brisket, pork ribs, sausage of any kind, chicken, cabrito, turkey, then whatever else you want to smoke. The method of cooking should be slow and low, turning a tough piece of meat into melt in your mouth goodness.

I have tried just about every BBQ place I know of in Tyler and the surrounding community to include: Bodacious BBQ, Stanley's, The Purple Pig, Hickory Fare, Stacy's in Jacksonville, and Spring Creek BBQ. With the exception of The Purple Pig and Stacy's, I have been disappointed. Stanley's has serious problems with consistency, although they have plenty of awards that tell me I'm wrong for not liking their food. Bodacious serves average food. Spring Creek will do in a pinch (with some great service). Hickory Fare is slightyl above the pack, but again doesn't put out great Q. Stacy's offers solid ribs and brisket, but the 45 minute drive down to Jacksonville isn't worth it. I guess the Purple Pig really isn't in Tyler city limits, but to me it offers high quality barbeque done right.

Best BBQ in Tyler: The Purple Pig

Any differences of opinion or any places I have missed?


  1. Rudys on the NE Loop.

    St. Louis ribs are usually excellent. Really good turkey, as well. Nice, spicy sauce.

  2. Old post. You should check out Hickory Hill near Kilgore.
